You Can Set Up Direct Deposit Of Your Georgia Workers’ Compensation Check With CorVel

For many workers who are relying on their weekly disability checks to pay their bills, the unreliability of traditional mail delivery can be a major problem. Many times, injured workers will get used to their checks arriving on a certain day of the week. Understandably, they will plan and arrange their finances according to when they expect to receive their check. However, all too often in workers’ compensation cases a check that was arriving like clockwork on Mondays will start arriving on Wednesdays. Then later it will start arriving on Fridays. Some weeks it doesn’t arrive at all.
Insurance companies will frequently give vague or confusing answers to explain why checks are arriving late. Sometimes they will say that the check “fell off auto-pay.” This just means they are blaming their internal computer system for failing to send the check off on time. These days, insurance companies will often blame the U.S. Postal Service as well. And frankly, the postal service is often a problem.
That is why whenever we learn of a company that offers direct deposit of weekly workers’ compensation checks we like to post about it here on our blog. One such company is CorVel. CorVel administrates many Georgia workers’ compensation claims. This means that if you have been hurt on the job and cannot work, CorVel could be the company sending you your weekly disability check.
To register for direct deposit with CorVel, you can go to:
If you are receiving weekly Georgia workers’ compensation benefits but from an insurance company or administrator other than CorVel, direct deposit of your checks may still be offered. You can contact the O’Connell Law Firm at 404-381-2559 if you would like to discuss any issues you are having with receiving your weekly checks on time.