Three Things that You May Not Have Known about Workers’ Compensation in Decatur that May Surprise You

Sometimes it is difficult to sort out the complex laws that make up the workers’ compensation system in Decatur. This is especially true when one is injured in a work accident and in a state of shock and stress about financial limitations due to being unable to work and provide for oneself and one’s family. There are certainly some “myths” or misunderstandings about Georgia workers’ compensation laws that may dissuade Decatur workers who otherwise may be entitled to important workers’ compensation benefits from applying in the first place. To help Decatur workers better understand workers’ compensation laws in Decatur, we explain three surprising things that you may not know about the Georgia workers’ compensation system.
#1. You Do Not Have to Prove that Your Employer was “At Fault” in Order to be Granted Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Many Decatur workers may think that they have to prove that their employer was “at fault” in causing the workplace accident that led to their disabling injury in order to get workers’ compensation benefits. However, the Georgia workers’ compensation system is a “no fault” workers’ compensation system, and Decatur workers need not prove that their employer was at fault in causing their accident in order to get Georgia workers’ compensation benefits.
#2. You Do Not Have to Sign-Up for Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Another perhaps surprising thing is that under Georgia workers’ compensation laws, a Decatur worker does not have to “sign up” for worker’s compensation insurance in order to be covered and to receive workers’ compensation benefits for a workplace injury. Under Georgia workers’ compensation laws, most Georgia employers that have over a certain number of employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance, with some exceptions. In order to determine whether your employer is required to have workers’ compensation insurance in Decatur, it is best to consult with an experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyer.
#3. You May Not Have to Pay Anything Out-of-Pocket for Legal Representation in Your Workers’ Compensation Case
Finally, many Decatur workers may believe that if they are denied workers’ compensation benefits that they are out of luck unless they pay a lot of money in legal fees for legal help. The truth is that there are experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers out there that can help and, perhaps surprisingly, charge nothing out-of-pocket up-front for legal fees or costs. This is called a “contingency fee” agreement, and it means that you can get legal help without forking over cash for legal representation.
The experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your Decatur workers’ compensation case and to see if they can help fight to get you benefits due. The lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm only get paid their fees if they are successful in recovering workers’ compensation benefits for you. Contact the lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm today and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options for free.