Severely Injured Georgia Worker Weds in Hospital with Help of Hospital Staff Heroes

By all accounts, Preston Cobb went to work just like any other day on June 30, 2023. However, Cobb’s workday ended much differently than other workdays. The Augusta, Georgia father of three children and United States Veteran had to be evacuated by air from his job in Augusta to the Augusta Burn Intensive Care Unit for severe chemical burns all over his body. According to a Go Fund Me page created to help Cobb with his extensive medical expenses and recovery, Cobb sustained injuries due to a chemical spill on the job. According to the page and local news sources, 32% of Cobb’s body was covered in burns after he slipped and fell as a result of the chemical spill. The chemical that Cobb slipped in clocked in at a temperature of over 1,500 degrees, causing Cobb to lose nine toes and eight fingers from the severe burns.
While Cobb will have to undergo extensive surgeries – including one surgery every week for the next month in preparation for necessary skin-graft surgery on his legs and arms – there is some good news in all of the horror. Cobb and his fiancé Tanesha were due to be married on July 22, and they initially saw their wedding dreams postponed due to the terrible workplace accident. However, staff at the hospital where Cobb is being treated helped the couple’s special day come true, and Cobb and Tanesha were ultimately married. Of Tanesha, Cobb’s family noted, “Preston’s wife Tanesha Cobb, has been there for him, back and forth from the house to the hospital…she has been there for his ups and down, taking care of our hero, our friend, a father, a cousin, a brother and everything in between. She’s defiantly [sic] not his rock, but his boulder!”
Slip and Fall Workplace Accidents in Decatur
In Decatur, and throughout the United States, slip and fall accidents in the workplace are not all too rare. When a workplace floor becomes slippery or wet, or is uneven, slip and fall accidents can and do happen, and workers can become seriously injured from falling injuries. Worse still, as in the case of Preston Cobb, workers who work in workplaces in which chemicals or other substances are used may be at risk of a serious chemical burn injury from a slip and fall accident on harsh chemicals that are harmful to humans. To avoid slip and fall accidents in the workplace, employers should implement the strictest of safety standards and protocols.
Justice for Injured Decatur Workers
In Decatur, most workers who are injured on the job and are rendered disabled from work, regardless of fault, are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits under Georgia workers’ compensation laws. The experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm help Decatur workers get workers’ compensation benefits due when they are injured and cannot work. If you were injured on the job in Decatur, contact the experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation today.