Drunk At Work And Got Injured? Here’s What You Should Know About Intoxication And Decatur Workers’ Compensation Claims

We all have rough days. Sometimes we remedy our stresses and pains with a hardcore gym session, a long walk with the dog, a hot and foamy bath, or a heart-to-heart with our families or friends. Sometimes, however, we cure our woes by blowing off steam at the bar, socializing over a glass or wine or beer, or a night out at the club dancing and drinking margaritas. Regardless of how we deal with our stresses in life, in most workplaces we must leave our world troubles at the office door and enter our workspaces with a clear mind focused on the task at hand. However, for some, this is easier said than done. A night out can turn into a bender can turn into rolling into work unslept and still intoxicated. Life troubles can creep into our hearts and minds and cause us to do things we never imagined, such as showing up to work flat-out drunk in the morning, or having booze during a lunch hour.
There is no doubt that intoxication by drugs and alcohol is not tolerated in virtually all workplaces in Decatur and the United States. But what happens when an otherwise good employee has a bad day and gets injured on the job while intoxicated? The answer is not a good one for employees who have failed to follow the rules of the workplace and come to work sober. The bottom line is that in Decatur, intoxication by drugs or alcohol on the job can be an absolute defense to a workers’ compensation claim.
Georgia Workers’ Compensation Laws and Intoxication by Drugs and Alcohol
Under the Georgia Code, which establishes the workers’ compensation laws in Decatur and in Georgia, generally, intoxication by drugs or alcohol is a defense to a workers’ compensation claim. Under the code, “[n]o compensation shall be allowed for any injury or death due to intoxication by alcohol or being under the influence of marijuana or a controlled substance, except as may have been lawfully prescribed by a physician for such employee and taken in accordance with such prescription….” Thus, while the taking of prescription medicine prescribed by a doctor and properly taken is not a defense to a workers’ compensation claim by an injured worker, intoxication by alcohol or other non-prescription drugs that are controlled substances is defense. This means that an injured worker who is injured due to their intoxication at work is not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits in Decatur.
Help with Your Decatur Workers’ Compensation Claim
Workers’ compensation laws and the workers’ compensation system in Decatur and throughout Georgia are complex and difficult for most workers to navigate. Therefore, if you are seeking workers’ compensation benefits in Decatur, it is best to speak with an experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyer. The experienced and skilled Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to hear your side of your workplace injury and workers’ compensation claim, and to see if they can help fight to get your benefits due to you. Contact the O’Connell Law Firm today and speak to a lawyer about your rights to workers’ compensation benefits in Decatur for free.