Does it Matter Who My Employer is? Three Reasons Why Who You Work for May Matter When it Comes to Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Georgia workers’ compensation benefits help injured workers in Decatur when they have suffered a serious workplace injury and they are unable to work their regular job. Under Georgia Workers’ Compensation laws, most workers who have been injured on the job in Decatur are entitled to important workers’ compensation benefits, such as wage replacement compensation, medical expense reimbursement, and vocational rehabilitation training to help keep them on their feet and get back to work after a serious workplace accident has occurred. While most Decatur workers likely know at least a little bit about workers’ compensation benefits in Decatur, they may not know how who they work for may impact their eligibility to get important financial compensation under Georgia workers’ compensation laws. To help Decatur workers better understand why who they work for may be important in their Decatur workers’ compensation case, we discuss three reasons why who you work for may matter in your workers’ compensation case.
The Employee Versus Independent Contractor Relationship
The first reason that who you work for may matter in your Decatur workers’ compensation case is if you are actually an independent contractor and not an employee. Decatur workers who are independent contractors and who work for other businesses or parties on a 1099-tax basis, are technically deemed to be working for themselves as a small business or sole proprietor and are not employees of the business or employer. Under Georgia workers’ compensation laws, most workers who are employees are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, but independent contractors are not. Accordingly, whether you are an independent contractor or an employee will make a difference in your Decatur workers’ compensation case.
The Small Employer Exception
Under Georgia workers’ compensation laws, employers who employ more than three persons in their Georgia business must provide workers’ compensation coverage to their employees. The employee count for the purposes of Georgia workers’ compensation benefits includes officers and members of the business, if the business is incorporated or if it is an LLC. However, if the business has less than three employees, the business is not required to cover its employees. Therefore, if you work for an employer that has three or more employees, you may be covered by Georgia workers’ compensation benefits in Decatur.
Other Exemptions Under Georgia Workers’ Compensation Laws
In addition to carving out extremely small employers from the requirement to carry workers’ compensation coverage for employees, some other types of businesses are also exempt from Georgia workers’ compensation laws. For example, farm labor employees, employees working casual or temporary work, and federal workers may be exempt from coverage. Accordingly, it is important to speak with an experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyer to determine your eligibility under Georgia workers’ compensation laws.
The experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm are here to help injured Decatur workers get workers’ compensation benefits due to them. Contact the O’Connell Law Firm and speak to a lawyer about your case now.