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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Do You Work in the Most Popular Occupation in Georgia? Learn about Workplace Health and Safety Risks in Fast Food Work

By O’Connell Law Firm |

There is no question that fast food is one of America’s most treasured past times, and one of our most famous cultural exports to the rest of the world. While each region has its own favorite fast-food joints, there is surely some fast-food restaurant in every state to please even the pickiest and most… Read More »

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Do You Suspect that Your Employer is Failing to Keep Workers Safe on the Job? What You Can Do in Decatur to Help Protect Yourself at Work

By O’Connell Law Firm |

It is time to face the music when it comes to workplace safety in Decatur workplaces. The truth of the matter is that while there is, of course, no more important thing than health and safety, whether and work or elsewhere, sometimes dealing with safety rules and regulations goes out the door in the… Read More »

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Lawnmower Accidents on Decatur Worksites: More Dangerous than “Bears Sharks or Alligators Each Year”

By O’Connell Law Firm |

Although many – if not most – Decatur workers own a lawnmower or have at least used one in their lifetime or on the job, what many Decatur workers do not know is how dangerous lawnmowers truly can be. Indeed, with sharp blades used to cut thick, sometimes wet grass, and typically moving at… Read More »

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Do I Need to Prove My Employer was “At-Fault” in My Decatur Workers’ Compensation Case? Your Questions about Georgia Workers’ Compensation Benefits Answered

By O’Connell Law Firm |

Let’s face it: the Georgia workers’ compensation system is not the easiest thing to navigate for workers who are not represented by experienced legal counsel. One of the things that Decatur workers who have chosen to apply for Georgia workers’ compensation benefits on their own frequently ask is whether, like as in a personal… Read More »

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